is pretty amazing.. On one hand it seems like the smallest place in the world.. You can roll into a
party after the jp closes to find a group of friends you know and love.. Other times it seems like a giant sea of people.. You can meet people who have
lived here the entire time you have for the first time after 8 years..
is what I am going to call Alibi.. They re-opened Lizzys last night and re-named it Alibi.. I really
don’t think ANYTHING was changed at all.. I also think it gets the award for the most smoke filled bar in Raleigh.. My eyes burned within about 10 seconds
of walking in, and prompted my quick exit.. So much for a dollar membership fee..
Try Number two.. Last time I didn’t really promote this much last time and turnout wasn’t too hot..

Monday Night Football / Drunken Cards at my place next monday in HD on my sickly large TV.. Game is the Colts @ Pats.. If you don’t give a rats ass about
football there will be some drunken cards.. Maybe Rummy if hbomb makes it out.. This also is the day before my birthday so the liquor may come out, never

Spades bitches!
If that isn’t enough to get you out.. How could your week not be complete with more of the “I like it.. I love it.. I want some more uv it..” song at
Email me for directions if you don’t know where I live..
Who: You!
What: Monday Night Football!
When: Anytime after 7:00 11/7/2005
Where: My House in Cary..
Why: Need there be a reason?
Miss Tori and I had talked about trying to do some tailgating before the roller derby bouts.. Any
interest from anyone?
It’s about damn time.. All this summer shit needed to end.. Nothing like watching a movie on the couch
with a blanket and some alcohol.. Maybe because we are up to tropical storm Alpha we will get a nice winter.. Who am I kidding its North Carolina..
OK after some discussion it has been decided..
Monday Night Football at my place next monday in HD on my sickly large TV..
If you don’t like football it should still be a good time.. Lawnjesus and I had a great time this monday wondering what the angriest football coach in the
history of the world was thinking..

If that isn’t enough to get you out.. How could your week not be complete with more of the “I like it.. I love it.. I want some more uv it..” song at
If you kids want to do the fondue thing I am more than game.. Email me and let me know you are coming and for directions if you don’t know where I live..
Who: You!
What: Monday Night Football!
When: Anytime after 7:00 10/17/2005
Where: My House in Cary..
Why: Need there be a reason?