To the west!
February 20th, 2007
So the Sasquatch! Festival Lineup was announced
today.. Screw Bonnaroo.. Coachella would be a pain in the butt to co-ordinate.. Sasquatch it is.. Jake says the venue is awesome.. Music festival on the
Columbia river.. Talk about rad.. I just got plane tickets.. Buying the event tickets on March 3rd when they got on sale.. American has some seats for 200
+ tax out there (RDU->SEA) at least right now..
Anyway I am excited.. Should be fun.. 20k people is WAY less than the stinkin’ 80k for the ‘Roo..
Screw Tool (yeah hbomb you can like em, but I don’t)..
Well that’s what i’m doing for Memorial day.. Who wants to give us a ride to/from RDU, let
us ditch a car for a week?
So this is where Sheila and I
will be..
Until next time..
Categories: Travel